I Capture My Marriage And Pregnancy In 35 Honest Comics (New Pics)

Alexander Smith

Hi, everyone. Iโ€™m Joy from Alloy Comics (artwork by the talented Nohra Johnston, who goes byย Deenosarsย on IG and Twitter). Thank you for your support on our 3 previous posts (part 1,ย part 2,ย part 3), which were all featured on the homepage ofย Bored Panda, accumulating over 240K views collectively!

Here are some more comics that chronicle married life, my demon nugget’s growth, and how he slowly drives my husband and I to madness. Please follow Alloy Comics on Facebook, Instagram, and Webtoons to view all the comics in chronological order.

A little background: I’m originally from Taiwan, and I’m a math/science teacher by day and a comedian/screenwriter by night. My much-younger part-Jewish “white devil” boy toy Alex has a job too boring to mention, but I love him anyway. Despite our one-foot height difference and half-inch nose difference, we found happiness in Austin, TX.


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

I’m happy to report that I was invited back to present a panel at San Diego Comic Con for the 3rd time. It is a tremendous honor that I do not take for granted. The first two invitations were for panels on the science of superheroes, since I’m known for my TED-Ed video series and my first 4-book science comic book series: Superpower Science. This most recent one was for a panel on the science of movie monsters, such as vampires, werewolves, and zombies, since I just released my second 4-book series: Monster Science. One day, I wish to be invited back to San Diego Comic Con for Alloy Comics.


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

One update that has happened since I last posted on Bored Panda is that I finally started posting on Reddit, which exposed Alloy Comics to a much larger audience. A few of the past comics quickly went viral, but with the popularity came harsh criticism. I’ve been called racist, sexist, toxic, abusive, controlling, hateful, even a bad parent to my son Pork Bun. Apparently, when these are read individually instead of as an entire series, sometimes the sarcasm gets lost because readers are taking what is said at face value. So when we’re making fun of genders, race, and traditional roles, it can seem like we’re reinforcing them. That was unexpected, and the backlash certainly took me by surprise.


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

This sounds awfully familiar lol (I’m a white guy, married to a Filipina lol)

I’ve taken the time to reflect, and I can honestly say that nothing was written with malicious intent, I don’t have any hate in my heart, and I am doing my best to raise my son to be a good person. Our opinions may not align, but we can still treat each other with respect. Though it was difficult at times, I’ve remained civil in my responses, even to the people whose objective was to hurt my feelings, like the person who called me a “white-mongering self-hating Asian” simply because I married outside my race. To them, I say, “I hope you’re just lashing out because you’re going through a rough time instead of actually believing what you wrote. There is enough negativity in the world, so I wish you a better day tomorrow.”


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

I absolutely welcome constructive criticism. When readers tell me it would’ve been funnier if…, it doesn’t offend me. With that said, I would not change the comics to make them funnier because these are a visual diary for me, where the objective is to record interesting tidbits of my life for my family to read. Even if the punchline could be modified, I am always going to opt for what was actually said because my primary audience will first and foremost be my loved ones instead of the masses. It doesn’t mean I think my version is best or that the readers’ opinions are not heard. It just means that Alloy Comics (which is literally the “Bennifer” or “Brangelina” of Alex & Joy) are personal for me, so I will not be “upgrading” the humor in them simply because we weren’t clever enough to think of a better comeback in the moment.


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

One of the most common questions we’ve had is: “Do these people even like each other? They seem to constantly taunt and be toxic to each other.” I actually think this is a fair question, so I’d like to address it. A while ago, a friend told me about her emotionally abusive boyfriend who’d embarrass her in public via small pranks. She was genuinely hurt by that, but my husband does the same thing to me constantly and I find it hilarious. In fact, we consider successfully annoying each other a “win,” which is why I’ve asked my artist Nohra Johnston to draw most of the last panel as one person looking annoyed or angry.

In reality, we do make that face, but then we burst out in laughter together! It all depends on the dynamics of the couple. If I were the type of person who didn’t enjoy antics like that and I asked my husband to stop, yet he did it anyway for his own entertainment despite my discomfort, then that relationship would certainly be toxic. However, with an extremely playful couple like us, it’s not an issue because we both enjoy it. It’s like calling a couple who spank each other in bed “abusive.” Well, if you don’t like to be spanked but your partner spanks you against your will, then yeah, that is abusive, but calling all spankings “physical abuse” is just not fair.


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

No pockets!? Surly you have slippery pants with pockets! I hate fake pockets and usually donโ€™t buy anything without them (#StopFakePockets).

If you want to be playful with your partner, be careful to never make fun of what they really care about. For instance, I make fun of my husband’s big nose and height because I know he doesn’t take offense to either. He makes fun of my clumsiness and short stature because he knows I don’t give a crap about that. However, we would never bring up things that would actually hurt each other’s feelings in a joking manner, such as my weight. Oh yeah, he is way too smart to make a fat joke at me because he knows I’m sensitive about it. Instead, he makes me feel beautiful even when I’m being insecure. That’s what a good partner does.


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

I have to agree with her. How do people not feel it (and think to wipe it off, more importantly, and then make an effort to not eat or drink so messily) when they have food or beverage (or snot *shudder*) running down their face? Maybe thatโ€™s just my neurodivergence and Highly Sensitive Person qualities talking. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿค”


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

I canโ€™t help but wonder why parents of toddlers donโ€™t just feed their kids in the bathtub for easier cleanup after foods like spaghetti with tomato sauce. Seems like a good idea to me. As long as you are supervising your kids, obviously

I wish people could assume the best intent when reading about other people’s lives instead of jumping to conclusions. We’re all doing our best with what we’re given. As a mom, I just want to raise my son in a world where everyone could be a little more understanding and forgiving. Hopefully, my comics can bring a smile to your face. That’s why I’m sharing these with the world.:)


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

The opposite of when my nephew was being fussy/crying in a breakfast restaurant and my SIL held him up and said, “baby for sale”. It got big laughs and people were willing to forgive him for being a baby until he settled down.


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

There is one of the wavy inflatable person things at the car wash we drive by. My son loves it. He always yells “there’s the blue guy!!!” Or “where is the blue guy???”. They switched it out for a black one so he yells about the “black guy” he wants to see the dancing “black guy” etc


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

Iโ€™m confused: wouldnโ€™t you have noticed that he had pooped in the tub when you were draining it and then cleaned the tub? Whatโ€™s the problem if you had cleaned it before you took a bath? Am I missing something?


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


You’re lucky! My twins seem to have a contest who can look the weirdest in a picture, and I can take 20 shots of a “cute” situation and their little, expressive faces will have gone from licking their nose to chewing on their UPPER lip to finger in nose to trying to see their forehead to crying to laughing like the joker to trying to grab the phone – or they’ll turn their back on me. They are very cute when they’re asleep, though…


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby


Here Are Some More Honest Comics About Raising My Toddler With Hubby

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