Dress Code Friendly Outfits | Back To School Outfits 2025

Alexander Smith

Dress Code Friendly Outfits | Back To School Outfits 2023

Today we will be doing 15 outfits for the back-to-school Period that is dress code-friendly. So we asked you guys on our Instagrams to send all the most specific back-to-school scenarios. Everything from bumping into your crush to crushing on your hot professor to running late to class. 

Dress Code Friendly Outfits

1. Straight Out of a Movie

what to wear to impress your crush girl

  We’re starting with a classic scenario of walking into a hot guy and dropping all your books. And he helps you pick them up. That is what I would wear, bumping into a hot guy. You might be thinking Katie’s heels to school are so freaking unrealistic. But listen, bumping into a hot guy is that freaking realistic. 

  No! It doesn’t suck. Went for a clashing contrast of both sweetheart and boss-ass silhouettes. Because I think it’s essential to channel both of those in first Impressions. Patterned pants are a great way to make your outfit memorable.


2. Tearing Up In Therapy

cute outfits to wear to school

   This next one is also so oddly specific. I mean, that’s the theme of this whole Blog Post, but it’s on my way to crying in therapy after turning in my last final. I decided to repurpose the sweater that I used in my last one. Where I was bumping into and seducing the hot guy to a more slouchy comfy, longer fit. I decided to drape it over this white knit Shawl. Now, you can wear any white bottoms with this outfit, but I opted for sweats.  

3. FIT & FAB

dress code friendly outfits

  This next one is such a helpful scenario. I’m so glad that somebody submitted It. It’s thinking about going to the gym after class but wanting to look cute. Still, I love working between classes because it forces you to get your workout in and not procrastinate in the gym. But it took me a while to calibrate how I dressed. Let me take you through my process. 

  That is what I would probably wear at the gym, like to lift and stuff. But obviously, if you don’t want to go to class like this. This is what you do first. I always go for a pair of structured, not overly baggy, sweatpants. How do you have a little bit more coverage? 


back to school outfits 2022

   You can stop here if you want, but if you’re going to take it to the next level, you can throw on a statement-piece sweater vest. It will mask the fact that you wear any athleisure leggings spandex material. Because now it just looks like a quirky old fit. The hot guy I bumped into at the beginning of this video fell for me when I dropped my books.  


4. Study Date 

outfit ideas

   Now we’re going on our first date. This is my advice for when you’re going on a calm date. Always bring something or wear something that you can comment on. People gonna be like oh my god what is that on your bag? Why are there cherries in your bag? People on dates tend to ask stupid questions like that, but anything to fill the silence. 

what to wear when you have nothing to wear

   You know I made sure to go for a flirty fit. Says bro, dude, or sis, inclusive here, I’m into you. I read somewhere that the decolletage area can be biologically very alluring.  


5. Late for Laundry 

how to wear clothes

   We’re manifesting that. That I’m so glad I no longer have to experience this. Because my apartment that I’m moving into this upcoming year has in-house Laundry. But when I was living in a dorm, someone moved your Laundry, and you’re only 0.25 seconds late. This would happen to me constantly. The intensity of the laundry room is just part of the circle of life. 

  The levels of survival that it takes to be a college student. I’m keeping it realistic, shoes, okay! Because you’re running. Because all your stuff is in the wash. You only have a few pieces left. But it’s still gonna look cute. His tote bag is your hamper. Let’s pretend.  


6. Flirting during office hours

dress code for female

   A lot of y’all have a hot teacher or hot professor. I’m just gonna call you out. I chose the most appropriate one. It’s asking a doubt of a professor you have a crush on seeing. Let’s not forget that you’re going to office hours with a Doubt question. You want to be taken seriously by dressing the part. I feel like this tweet jacket emanates from professional academic teacher vibes. That I need to be viewed seriously. 


 When I go to the doctor’s office or when I go to the DMV. I dress professionally. Because if I come in sweatpants. They’re going to view me as a stupid 21-year-old. Which I am, but I don’t want them to think that. Overall the lace detailing on this tank and how it ties in with the different shades of blue creates a look. That says, remember me, I’m not just another student that wants their grade rounded up.

7. All-Nighter

school dress code solutions

   Now this one hits home being the last two people at the library at 2 am studying for finals. I still remember the first all-nighter that I pulled in college. It was with my friend Hannah. Our class was on Monday the final exam was on Tuesday. How this school building was structured. The lecture hall was on the first floor, and then the other floors would be study rooms that students could use. What we were we attended the class on Monday in the lecture hall. Then we went upstairs, claimed a study room, and stayed there for 24 hours. Then the morning of Tuesday, we went downstairs. 


outfits for school teenage girl

   We are freaking lived there, and this was our home. We took the exam. I don’t try that hard in my classes. You need to be just about as agreeable as could be expected. But a foolproof way to look put together when you’re not is to go for a monochrome look which is what I did here. 

  It’s just warm white tones from head to Toe, down to my earrings, my tote bag, and the little accents of colour you see. I made sure to coordinate like the red on here with the Cherry. Just the little elements to make it a little bit more playful. Then you’re feeling dead inside.


8. Late for Finals

modern school dress code

   This scenario shows up 15 minutes late to take your final after an all-nighter. The one that we just pulled remembered but somehow kept together. If you’ve pulled an all-nighter and you’re late don’t have much time to change. But I do think that what you wear during an exam is. Dramatically impacts your mental psyche. Because the more put together you look the more put together your brain is going to be tempted to act.



   I kept the sweats and the shoes but I switched out the top to be a little Preppier. A more put-together look that keeps you in the zone while you’re taking the easy up. So yeah take care of yourselves and understand that all-nighters are unavoidable sometimes. But usually, they’re not worth it. They’re just not.


9. Frat Party

what to wear to impress your crush girl

   I have styled for this occasion multiple times before, but it never gets old. It’s frat parties specifically. Frat party where chad spills a drink on. You are freaking chad. We knew he was gonna do it. Ensure that your clothes don’t get ruined by chad-smelling drinks on you. I opt for black always. You can quickly stop here if you are into bodycon. But I would layer a tennis skirt over it. Did you expect anything less, Chat? I, at this moment, certify this fit as a grade comfortable, and chad



10. Bullsh**Tting A Presentation

cute outfits to wear to school

  I have unfortunately experienced this following scenario way too many times. It’s honestly kind of evil. It’s overdressing for a presentation to hide that your presentation is evil. We’re stressed, depressed, and overdressed, but at least we look like we have our time together, right? When you’re presenting, you must wear something you will not think twice about. 

dress code friendly outfits

   That you’re not focusing on doing. I look right. Now you’re focusing on. What words do I say next? When I click on the next slide, so for me. It’s a puff sleeve and high-waisted pants that fit me like a glove. I channeled professionalism via the pearls on my bracelet, my waist, and my ears. There’s like a form of cohesion. This girl knows how to tie points together.

11. Move-In Days

back to school outfits 2022

   This next one is a very underrated scenario many people are not prepared for and think about. I’m so glad we’re tackling this topic. It’s move-in day. So meeting roommates while moving all your stuff into your dorm after travelling for over three hours. It’s hard to balance comfort with the cuteness of a first impression. This is also kind of hard to put together for me. I decided I opt for baggy wide-leg pants with an elastic Waistband.  

outfit ideas

   You hear me? No buttons, so it breeds and stretches with your body no matter what you’re doing. Then I went for a super stretchy cotton blue puff sleeve top for the top. Because, again, when you’re making first Impressions. You do not ever want to be fidgeting with your talk or wondering. I look cute in this. You gotta know, and bonus points that I colour coordinate with my bottoms.


12. First-Day Jitters

what to wear when you have nothing to wear

   This makes me so nostalgic for the olden days. On the first day of school, you’re trying to find your class by making 100 u-turns in the Halls. That’s kind of crazy. Because I’m a senior now, I don’t think I’ll ever feel that feeling again of being lost on a new campus. I tried to think of a different outfit I would wear on the first day, but I couldn’t. Because this one is Perfect. I am a huge proponent of wearing a statement piece on the first day. 

how to wear clothes

   So that people remember you. Especially if you’re new. I went for chunky old-school Filas. I think it’s essential that your feet are super comfortable on the first day. Because you are going to be travelling a lot more than you should. Because you’re making a ton of u-turns, the last thing you want is aching feet stressing. You put on top of syllabi and new friends and the cafeteria lunches.


13. Fashionably Late

dress code for female

   As expected, we got a ton of submissions about being late to class but still finding a way to look bomb walking in. Especially in a crowded lecture with no seats, except for this awkward one in the middle row. So you have to climb over people while the professor’s lecturing. It’s just the most significant nightmare, so you gotta look hot. Which is why we went for this preppy chic fit. These are my two tips throw a button down under it and coordinate your outfit colour with your socks. It ties it together.

14. Library Lady

school dress code solutions

   This next one is something I do on a daily sitting in the library pretending to be the main character of a romance book. How meta a library means light academia, Period. I channelled beige tones, one of the key colours of the light academia aesthetic. I went back to the badass energy of the slit-cut pants and the white heels.

  Because I think the white heels tie well together with the blouse. That I threw on under this. Do I look like a protagonist? Where a hawkeye will sit across from me at the library and make eye contact with me. Then we’re gonna bond over the book that I’m reading.  


15. Bad Decisions

outfits for school teenage girl

  The final outfit is when you are hungover from going too hard last night. We have an 8 am class. We don’t want to be seen our heads hurt. We have a cat to hide our identities and hide our shame. We are still colour-coordinating even when our head is pounding. The grey black, and, of course, any time that your fit is a little lacklustre. 

Why do Isay accessories matter so much? We went for a lot of gold bowl jewellery, bracelets, and necklace rings, and they distract from the lack of life? In your eyes, guys, look at the sexy pile of clothing.

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